
Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Japanese Garden Illustration

Picture yourself taking a stroll through the Japanese Garden.  You pass by the Pagoda and enter the gate and see perfectly manicured blossoms, carefully raked rocks forming gentle waves.  Birds chirp and the breeze is calm.  The water fountain trickles and the koi fish below swim with delight.  The sun is here a little longer today.
Spring, right through the gates, at your beckon call.  I am so anxious for Spring, how about you?
I will be sharing some more of my illustrations for Spring and I hope you like this little Japanese Garden.  A garden tour awaits you.


  1. What a charming sketch! Hope Spring comes early for you!

  2. Love the sketch! Oh, I wish someone above could gear you because the cold is getting tiring! Thanks for the image--I am waklking right thru!

  3. Anne-
    Thanks for your nice comment! Today it is chilly but the sun is up and the skies are blue and I am thinking of you!
    Thank you too -- yes, I will be anxious to see the first crocus, daffodil pop! When my son was tiny, he said,
    "look, it is yummy!" That is how I feel about Spring, Green and all that grows!

  4. Thanks for visiting my blog! All of your work is so lovely....


  5. Annie-
    Thank-you for your kind comment and yes, my list of to do's, to illustrate, to create, to be is long!
    Compliments sure help to motivate!

  6. I love the garden and yes, I can't wait for spring. I'm looking forward to the spring sketches for some sunshine and a smile.

  7. You have such a wonderful talent! Charming. Makes me ready for spring.

  8. beautiful. this just put a total spring-like view on my day!

  9. Hmm, I am going to start some sort of campaign to have your work published in a book! Your work is so delicious, I just want to have all your illustrations framed on my wall! :-)

    Ah, there's a little something for you in my blog! ;-)

    Wishing Spring comes soon soon in CT, but the ground still has snow on it!!

  10. lovely - looking forward to experiencing an early spring through your illustrations

  11. Oh, Patricia, this is one of my favorites - of which I already have a long list. Totally charming.

  12. Lovely! It makes me think of Kyoto, where I was lucky enough to travel to a few years ago.

  13. Thanks to each of you who are anxious for Spring.
    Mary-Laure, funny - this was inspired from my trips to Japan and Kyoto - where I visited the loveliest garden and attended a tea ceremony.
    I know how much you love tea!
    more about Spring and Tea.... soon!

  14. i really love this one. the spindly branches and the curled roof on the pagoda. it's a beauty!
