
Saturday, June 30, 2012

Lady Adelaide

Growing up, our neighbors had a daughter named "Adel" and I always thought it was such a charming ladylike name.   Again the name to me certainly is befitting of this beguiling charmer.
I call this commission, Lady Adelaide in Boston.

Do you refer to your home as a lady or a gent?

Friday, June 29, 2012

at sea

 The lure of the sea, waves, saltwater and weekends full of fun sails or boat excursions seem just right for this time of year.
 Although there might be some pretty hot dog days of summer, one just might need to pack a sweater or a nautical pea jacket for breezy nights by the shore.
What's not to love about a sail boat.
Even if you prefer to stay on can still have a little of the "at sea" look with this tote
Any plans to set sail or drop anchor?
May your weekend be full of good times.

Thursday, June 28, 2012

dinner on a rooftop

What a treat it is to share a meal under the stars!
Have you ever had dinner on a rooftop?

illustration for Sheridan Road Magazine

Wednesday, June 27, 2012


Last night,  I had the great pleasure to attend The MOMA to see the work of Alighiero e Boetti.
Mappa by Alighiero e Boetti on view at the MOMA which opens to members today.
Knowing that my son is all the way in Africa, these works somehow spoke to me of our world and all the ideas, concepts and possibilities.

"For me the work of the embroidered Mappa is the maximum of beauty. For that work I did nothing, chose nothing, in the sense that: the world is made as it is, not as I designed it, the flags are those that exist, and I did not design them; in short I did absolutely nothing; when the basic idea, the concept, emerges everything else requires no choosing." Alighiero e Boetti, 1974

If you have time to go and see the Boetti exhibit, you will be amazed by the colors, the embroidery and the over riding theme that everything emerges without choosing.

Tuesday, June 26, 2012


 How often do you take the time to give yourself a little praise?  
Do you keep a journal to track your progress or check your goals and achievements.  Perhaps you have some sort of "trophy" or "award" to remind you of your talents.  Is it proudly displayed on your desk?  Joan Fontaine above sits at her desk keeping her home affairs in order.  
I love how her Oscar is standing right there.
What a great incentive to keep working.

My dear husband has what he calls "tombstones" in his office awarded after a deal is done.
pve design artwork for all the best blog

Some people award themselves certain purchases or treats for a job well done.
Perhaps an author's book being published or when the contract is signed.
Perhaps a Mother saving and awarding the family with an ice cream treat or field trip somewhere full of adventure.

During the business with intention workshop, I had an "aha" moment.
Here I am working away and pushing myself to keep going without taking time to give myself any sort of praise or award to mark a milestone.

I am planning and scheming some sort of praise in the form of a celebration.
If you work from home or on your own, how do you reward yourself with a so called trophy or little accolade?

A Mother's work (and an artist's work) is never done.
We work tirelessly for our families so this is a reminder to give yourself a pat on the back.
I am cheering you on with praise.

Do share what sort of accolades or incentives you might award yourself when a deal is done?

Monday, June 25, 2012

monday motivation - music

Music is motivating.  Especially on a monday morning when one has to get up, get to work or off to school.
Listening to music or playing an instrument can bring so much joy to life.

Do you have a favorite song or band that just gets you pumped up and ready to "play it again."
 The above note card "Jazz room" was re-stocked in my etsy shop.

Take time out of your day to listen or play music and find the joy.

Friday, June 22, 2012


There is a spot nearby which has been in business since 1955.  
"Candlelight Inn" is known for it's hot wings and landmark red buildings.

Nothing fancy, just a local spot to unwind and enjoy a bucket of hot wings, a cool beverage and lively conversation.  There is always a wait, a line and a crowd.  If you do go, make sure you bring cash as they only accept cash.
The owner contacted me to illustrate his business buildings to have printed on a post card after he had seen one from another local business that I illustrated.  It was a series of back and forth and juggling life in between.  I tweaked and fine tuned the artwork until it was approved.  Finally the above artwork was completed and ready to be used for advertising and marketing.
Although mail comes in many forms, businesses are always looking for ways to send out mailers or e-mails to let their customers know of sales or of special events.  It is amazing to think that some businesses I have been creating for since there were only a handful of shops and little by little they have grown to many many shops.  I love knowing that many companies are still burning the candlelight to grow their businesses.  If you are in need of artwork for mailers or marketing, feel free to contact me.

Thursday, June 21, 2012


My daughter and summer get along really well.
I guess you could say it is indeed her favorite time of year.
Today is her last day of 7th grade, all 2 hours and 50 minutes of it.
I wrote her a congratulatory letter, letting her know how proud I am of how hard she has worked this year academically, physically and socially.
As her Mother, I can attest to just how busy she has been all year long, so this summer we are actually going to live as unscheduled as possible and just embrace things as they happen.

Many children leave for camp and are gone the entire summer, some go on fantastic trips and it is not to say that we have not had our fair share of good camps and great trips because we have.

I guess what I am trying to say is that this summer, we are going to try to live a little bit more carefree.
Summer time here we come.

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

wednesday - want to be

I had the great pleasure of teaching this young lady who traveled to my studio from several states away.
It was arranged months in advance as she is the eldest of three and the lesson was sandwiched in the middle of a summer vacation.  Her lovely Mother has been a devoted blog reader and client and wanted her daughter to have the lesson to look forward to.
Today is wednesday want to be day and I wonder how many readers out there are doing what they wanted to be or not?  I had a teachable moment and realized how fortunate I am to being doing what I want.  I did spend years in fashion design which brought me to New York but after I began my family, I realized the value of being there aligned more with my intention so my free-lance and design work started while my own children were little.  

Looking into the eyes of this young girl, it made me remember how much art meant to me as a young girl.  It still means so much to me and to be doing what I want - sharing my art, teaching and giving inspiration each day here on the blog.

Are you a wannabe or are you living your life and doing as you were intended?
What is holding you back from the person you want to be?
Are you allowing yourself time to create?
Your life is your design.
Do you need lessons in order to be what you want?

Please be honest and share with me.
Are you a wannabe or are you working towards doing what you want to be?

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

sculpture on the square

Tonight, Malcolm MacDougall III will be proudly sharing his "microscopic landscape" sculpture at Union Square in New York.  What is so exciting to me is that this young man lives in our village and his parents are incredibly wonderful people.  I always love knowing the artist and hope you can attend this event tonight in New York City at Union Square.  Congratulations Malcolm.
We are so proud of you and all your work.

Monday, June 18, 2012

monday motivation - cooler than me

 Do you ever feel that everyone is cooler than you, dawg?

 At the business with intention workshop, this adorable gal said, 
"I feel like what I am doing is for the cooler than me person that I really am.  I am so not that person." Thanks Grace for opening up and sharing that.  It really meant a lot to me.  

 What is it that makes someone cooler than you
  You know what I am talking about.  I feel it everyday.  I know you do too.
Are the cooler than you things motivating or annoying?
 Could it be that they just have a way cool story bro?
Lots of fans, followers, friends on facebook, through the roof hits on their awesome site, tons of traffic, big time sponsors?  Major awards?  Awesome DIY's?  Latest techno gadget?
Bigger pecs, washboard abs?
 Is it that designer bag that makes them cooler than me and you?
Is it in the water?
 You know who I am talking about, right.
They just have style and pepper.
They have the cool thing going on and then you meet them and they are just as nice as they are cool.
 Some people are cooler than me.
Some people are funnier than me too.
But, there is something about those people.....when we're together, we're cooler.

I was so moved by Annechovie's post today and her so called glamourous weekend.  
I can relate to living the so called glamourous life.

We all need to stop comparing cool and just be.
That in itself is motivating, right!

Sunday, June 17, 2012

hakuna matata

a little cupcake safari celebration was in order last night....
thank-you diane for the lovely cupcakes.
pardon my fuzzy photo.
I never imagined 19 years ago that one of my sons would be an ROTC cadet and have the privilege of traveling to Tanzania for the CULP program.  He left today and I can hardly wait for him to return with many stories.  Part of this cultural program is to increase the humanitarian efforts of our ROTC cadets.  He will be there to teach children english and to learn about their culture.
I think about my sons and look forward to the day they are Fathers.

Happy Father's Day to all the Dads all over the world and to my Dad in Kentucky.

Saturday, June 16, 2012

more wonderful

But before I skip out then door, just wanted to share this...
...more wonderful....sending off this work of art today.
these are the wonderful words of my client.

"I do love it! I can't believe it, but it's even more wonderful than I imagined. Thank you so much, I honestly could not be happier."

Look closely and spot the faithful compadres sitting on the steps.
More wonderful, are they not the sweetest?

Friday, June 15, 2012

wantful fathers

Did you ever stop to think how strong a want can be.
I am loving this site -wantful.
I found so many things for fathers day.
 Imagine creating a gift that will truly be something wanted.
 Just look at this brush and snazzy red box.
Trust me, you will find so many things to want at wantful.
click here at wantful

Thursday, June 14, 2012

summer time fresh

Summer time always inspires me to keep a few fresh items on hand for they provide perfect go to gifts.  I added this "Summer house tote" to my pve shop on etsy.  Think of bringing your hostess a tote full of summer magazines, a bottle of something sparkling, sun-screen lotion, a citronella candle and perhaps some fresh fruit or flowers.  My intern, Isabelle was here this morning and helped to style and snap this summery shot....all before the sun came out!

pretty happy things

I cannot lie.  I like pretty happy things.  Things like polished silver, polished furniture and my framed original art.

Sure, there are other things that make me pretty happy each day and I try to find them.  We could all focus on the not so pretty things but then how happy would that be?  What pretty things make you happy?
I am adding a few original items to etsy.

Saturday I will be attending the Jess LC business withe intention workshop over here.
I am pretty happy about this too.

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

hydrangae love

I added some hydrangea love to my etsy pve shop.
It was fun scouting and styling for this little photo shoot.
Now all I dream of are hydrangea blossoms and a day here, poolside at this home in the Hamptons.
even the sky seems to have some hydrangea love.
Do you love hydrangea's too?

Monday, June 11, 2012

monday motivation - you must

It's Monday motivation and time for a little something you really must do.You must put down that book, you must put on your party must get out of must....

You must write every single day of your life… You must lurk in libraries and climb the stacks like ladders to sniff books like perfumes and wear books like hats upon your crazy heads… may you be in love every day for the next 20,000 days. And out of that love, remake a world.” ~ Ray Bradbury

You know your path when it is something that you must do every day.  

Today this post is dedicated to my dear friend Kwana writes.  This summer she is lurking in edits as she will soon have her book published this fall.  Please hop over and wish Kwana a very Happy Birthday and while you are there, tell her your favorite book that she must read or favorite show that she must watch.

Is there something that you love so much that you have made it something you must do in your life that has remade your world?

Saturday, June 09, 2012

get fresh

 A few weeks ago, I made fresh fruit kabobs for my daughter to bring to a friends home to share.  They were a huge hit and the Mom told me that I inspired her to make some and even sent me a photo.
 I attended an event in the city a few weeks ago and they had the freshest crudites in fun containers.
Summertime always makes me want to add freshness to my menu and to my table.  Ever since 3rd grade, I have loved ric-rac and how it adds a zest.  What sort of "get fresh" ideas are on your weekend menu.  Hope I have inspired you to create a fun raw bar or add a bit of a fresh face to your table.

Friday, June 08, 2012

friday fizz

 I could not help but fall in love with this painting.  
It has a certain fuzziness to it that reminds me of one of my favorite Summer drinks, a Rosemary Gin Fizz. 
 What is your favorite summertime fizz?

Rosemary Gin Fizz Ingredients 3 one-inch sprigs of fresh rosemary 1 small lemon, juiced 1/2 teaspoon honey 1 1/2 ounces gin 3 ounces club soda Instructions In a small drinking glass, muddle the fresh rosemary, lemon juice and honey. Fill the glass with ice, then pour in the gin and top with club soda.

cheers to an effervescent weekend!

Thursday, June 07, 2012

vineyard love

As I worked on this commission, all I could think of was how happy this couple looks.
I love the sunny yellow bouquet, his boutonniere and the splendid backdrop of vineyards.

That's all I have for a thursday, just a little vineyard love.

Wednesday, June 06, 2012

seashore celebration

It is only wednesday, however my bag is ready at a moments notice for a little seashore celebration.  
I added this beach bag to my etsy pve shop.  Just look at my art on there....which immediately takes me away and makes me feel as if I am at the seaside viewing beautiful sail boats.  
It has a great inside pocket for keys or a cell phone and an ample front pocket.

  ( navy and cream canvas and waterproof lined.)

Do you ever take a day to escape to enjoy a bit of sunshine and have yourself a little seashore celebration?

Tuesday, June 05, 2012

head of the class

June is a time for many schools to celebrate special occasions and tributes with accolades and awards.  Part of the successes are due to great academics, disciplines and the department heads who instill, inspire and lead many classes to graduate with honors.
Rigor and challenge are what make a school and it's staff as well as students thrive.
Loving and supportive parents also help as the school years require collaborative efforts.

Can you spot the uniforms, the first sketch I felt the uniforms were too light so I added a darker navy blue and felt very pleased in the illustration below.
A recent framed commission of this elite school in New York city was given to a departing school director, after many years of dedication and service.  Read these ten things from her departing speech.
Just stellar departing words of wisdom.

Do you start to get the school blues with all the special year end celebrations and speeches from graduates and special staff stepping down after being such integral parts of one's environ?
June is such a journey at every institution.

Good luck to all the students, graduates and staff at all the many institutions all over the world this June.