
Monday, April 30, 2012

monday motivation - intention

I made a promise  to live more from intention and less from habit.  Having my sketchbook with me is a good habit but my intentions are to design, create and inspire an artful life.
 After a beautiful weekend full of love and feeling proud of my accomplishments in sharing my new studio and my artwork I realized that all of this would not be possible without the promise to live more from intention and less from habit.

Are you living your life as a creature of habit or are you living from intention.  
We can design and be the change we want.  

Thank-you again to each of you who took the time to visit me in my new studio.  I had one young visitor come both days of the open studio tour.  To me, my intention is not to impress but to inspire.
I felt such joy to know that this young budding artist was so inspired to return to see me.

I would like to wish one special reader all the best in her journey upon retiring and this new day be full of promise to live a life of intention.  Patti, enjoy today and living with the promise of intention.

Sunday, April 29, 2012

Open Studio tour

 The door is open for the River Arts Open Studio tour, please come in to my new studio.
I have dreamt of my studio and here she is, stones and all.
 Welcome to my new studio.  I boxed up note-cards with images of my artwork.
Tied ribbons.
The place looks spiffy.
I packaged up some sweet cookies baked by our local Riviera bakehouse which I will share with you.
Sparkling lemonade is chilled for you.
There are samples of my artwork for you to see and to purchase if you have any cash or a check.  Just looking, that is fine with me too.  My door is open, so come out today from 11 to 5.  Maps are available here and in my studio for you.  Please bring your child, I love children and the honesty and the energy they exude.  Today is the last day of the tour, but I am available by appointment if you cannot make it today.

I am available for class if you would like to learn to draw, to paint, to blog or to journal.  Remember, my mission is to design, to create and to inspire an artful life.  I am sticking to that mission and I would love to challenge you to live a more artful life.

Friday, April 27, 2012

River Arts - open studio tour

Busy setting up for the River Arts Tour and now I am going to take a walk and a rest.  My dear friend Amy Joy Garden delivered a terrarium for my table and her business cards too.  I love how creativity can be not only artwork but in the garden, after all so much of what I paint is inspired by flora, fauna and life.

Thursday, April 26, 2012

River Arts Studio Tour

This weekend is the River Arts studio tour.  Click here and there you will find a link to download a map.
I will be spending today finishing up a few items and preparing to open my studio.  To those of you that live nearby, there are 65 artists participating.  I wish I could go to see all the other fellow artisans, however I will be busy manning my own studio.   Hope to see you there, I mean here at my studio.
There are still a few unfinished items to complete my studio but I am excited to share it with my visitors.

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

hold a candle

As I prepare to stock my shelves for the "River Arts Studio Tour" -  I feel as though I am literally burning the candle brightly to share my work and the many varied applications in which clients may utilize my artwork.   I still would love the chance to have my work in a gallery show one day but for now I love knowing that my artwork has been used for so many wonderful things, blog headers, home illustrations, shop illustrations, web sites, invites, holiday cards, interiors, weddings, pet portraits, press kits, magazines and media and packages too.  Can you see my artwork on the box?

It makes me smile to know that my work is admired by many, for that I am full of gratitude.


 I awake in the morning to the sweetest chirping of the birdies outside my window.

I had a parakeet growing up.  There is always an unhappy ending with real pets.  They become a part of our lives and then the the loss or the memory stays with us as time passes.  
Somehow these works of art seem much more invincible.
How sweet would these be in a nursery or a child's room.
I found them here.

The Apartment has some wonderful works of art.
I'd love to fly off to Denmark for this opening.
I read about it in the NY Times.

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

studio tour

I will be opening my studio this weekend to show off my space and share my artwork.  I have a few fun items to show how my artwork can be used.  Maps just came out and you can download your own on the River Arts site here.  There are 65 artists participating this year and tons of great art to see.

I am a proud to say I am a sponsor this year and to also to say how much I love our River towns and all the creative and inspiring artists and people who live here.

Monday, April 23, 2012

attitude check

Do you ever stop to check your attitude?

Do you surround yourself with things that infuse a good attitude?
A lovely lady visited me last week one morning to see my new kitchen.
I openly embraced her visit and in turn she came with a sunny attitude and this gorgeous orchid.
Part of the reason for her visit was to check on the overall attitude of the kitchen designer and installer.
How happy was I to share my new kitchen and a glowing report on the kitchen crew who were dedicated to making this dream kitchen a reality.
I took this photo at night with my i-phone just to show how plenty of attitude can create drama.

How is your attitude?
Does it need some motivation or an adjustment?

on park avenue

If you have a chance to stroll on Park Avenue, the tulips and blossoms this spring are just stunning.  Although the forecast this week calls for rain, one can hale a NY sunny yellow taxi!

Happy Monday!

illustration by pve design for A.Tierney

Saturday, April 21, 2012


I had such a great time creating this artwork for a special client.  Celebrations are always loads of fun when they require a bit of jettisoning off to a sunny spot with friends.  Do you have a special something coming up that requires some custom "pve design" artwork, think of me for your next venue.

Friday, April 20, 2012

funny friday

 Yesterday afternoon, I have to confess to causing a ruckus and a few giggles.
I love thick accents and sometimes I just cannot help myself.
When there are tense moments, laughter can make serious stuff suddenly downright silly.

Have you ever laughed so hard you were literally crying?
 Did you know that laughter is contagious?
People who laugh live longer and are more fun to be with.
Laughter produces good endorphins.
A few years ago, I took my children to a neighborhood laughing class.
We worked so hard at laughing that our belly's ached.
I hope you find the time to make someone laugh today.
Did you ever think that making someone laugh could actually make them feel better?

Now go ahead and leave a comment that will make me laugh.
It is friday, make it funny.

Thursday, April 19, 2012

pinterest and design

Are you pinning?  Do you know about pinterest.
Read these five things about pinterest here.

 Pinterest allows one so much creative license to express ones self by pinning images onto a category of visual boards.
They no longer need to be filed away in a drawer taking up space.
Trust me, everyone has images that they collect, perhaps for planting a seed or for sprouting an idea.
It could be a recipe or something motivational.
Gardening happens to be a huge category these days.
Decor, lifestyle, art, creating and inspiring others is all part of what fuels my passion for life.
I am not alone.
I had the pleasure of attending a small intimate setting at Crush in Larchmont, NY to hear Jennifer Mehditash speak about the benefits of pinterest and design.
Jennifer has a passion for life, design and interiors and blogging too.
Thank-you Jennifer for sharing your expertise and your enthusiasm for life and design and the ways that social media can be a such a great support for one's image.

Do you pin?
What are you pinning now?
Care to follow my pinterest boards, click over here.

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

flowering dogwood

Seriously, every day I stop, stare and have heart palpitations at the beauty of nature and of the rite of Spring.
 I decided to bring a flowering dogwood cutting inside and capture it's beauty on paper.
Here she is, currently being framed in a simple white frame, perfect in a traditional or modern setting.
Hand-Painted on Arches 140 lb. watercolor paper.

By the way, I have added google adsense to my blog in an effort to raise art supply funds and or maximize revenue.  Now in my 5th year of blogging, I cannot tell a lie, it is work but I love it.
Will you help an artist out? Do me a favor and click on the ads, you may see something you like, want or need.

The winner of the pve design florist shop note cards - Jennifer Webb.
Jennifer has a smashing blog with wonderful artwork, gardening inspiration and ladylike charm including her 2 year old lighting her hair on fire when she went to blow out her birthday candle.
The saving grace, only 2 candles.  Smile.

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

local florist (pve shop note-card giveaway)

Do you have a local florist or nursery nearby where you are on a first name basis?
I recommend it highly to visit a shop near you and ask about weekly specials.

Many florists have items that need to be moved and often you can find a plant or blossoms that need to be taken home and given a good sunny window or tender loving care.

Today- I will give a set of 8 note-cards of the above work of art.
I was inspired by a florist shop all decked in spring green brimming with topiaries, potted plants and items 

Leave me a comment. and tell me what is your favorite, cut flowers or a plant to bring home?

Monday, April 16, 2012

the quipsters

"Holly regretted not sporting the matching ric-rac jacket to loan to the naked statue."
"Madge felt the stare of the statue gaze upon her wherever she went."
"Shirley had forgotten to wear her watch and she wondered if her friend was fashionably late for the
5 o'clock rendez-vous at the atrium cafe.  Her stomach growled, as she had forgotten to have a proper lunch."

The series of gals were done for a client and never purchased nor used and I found them in a file and thought that they might bring you a smile.  I had great fun creating these gals and the witty remarks, so this shall be a series of what I am naming "the quipsters."

Please feel free to inspire me with any flattery, scene or verbal equivocations for this series.  I must admit that I often love to eaves drop and gather future fodder.

Saturday, April 14, 2012


As an artist, one question that I must be asked time and again is, "How do you know when you are finished with a work of art?"  It is truly something hard to answer but there is a feeling that when you walk away nothing is tugging at you.  Quite often, I must admit to needing the time to step aside and leave it and then I can see what needs to be strengthened or punched up.

I know countless artists who have numerous works unfinished.  It has nothing to do with procrastination but in finding just the right ending or finish.  Have any of you ever experienced this?  The joy lies in stepping back and saying, I have reached the end or the finish.  Like a marathon runner or writer so much of the work is in the training or the words, yet crossing that finish line or ending is pure victory.

Friday, April 13, 2012

hello friday

Well hello friday the 13th!
I used to make these frogs and decided it would be fun to make them again.
You can find the pattern here.  Growing up, I made them and filled them with lentils, but any bean would do.
Shall I add them to my etsy shop?
Hope your friday the 13th is filled with some sort of crafty fun thing!

Oh and by the way, the c'est si bon Lollia give-away goes to Victoria from Art House Design.

Thursday, April 12, 2012

birthday blossom

Have you ever given thought to that of a blossom that blooms each year just like a birthday.
  I never tire of observing birthdays or blossoms.
It is quite an art to study flowers as they bloom, flourish and then fade.  
There is a place nearby that I love to go with my dog and just witness the power of nature. 
 I rescued this blossom and brought it home to paint.  
There is something beautiful about a blossom as it unfolds and fades away.  
I find the beauty lies in the age or the fragility or life.  We cannot keep our youth forever.
As I prepare for my Art Studio Open tour the end of April, I am trying my best to focus on all that flourishes and fades in Spring.   I will have boxes of cards for sale, a few works of art and samples of past examples of art work.

Today, I wish my dear Mother a Happy 85th birthday.  May she continue to bloom, to thrive, to flourish and to inspire us all with her boundless energy and respect for life.  

pve design - watercolor blossom painted on Arches Aquarelle Paper 140lb.

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

c'est si bon - giveaway

hello, i am kristen brett mills.
i am the girl behind the blog c'est si bon.

when sweet patricia asked me to guest blog,

patricia is a lady of kindness. generosity. and warmth.

i feel honored to call her a friend of mine.

over at c’est si bon,

i live everyday with a common goal.

i strive to find the simple joys & beauty inevery day.

whether it is the warmth that comes from your morning coffee.
or the thrill that comes from driving with thewindows down.
the sound of a familiar voice. the scent of freshcleaned laundry.
all of these little pleasures all too easily becomeordinary.
when in reality,
it is these little pleasures that make our life
so overwhelmingly swell.

in my attempt to make every day lovelier than theday before,
sometimes i tend to over-indulge myself. there. iadmit it. i do.
i over indulge myself. but i like it that way.
like tonight, I over-indulged myself in
heaping handfuls of dark chocolate chips.
and yesterday, i indulged in an extra large dietcoke,
passing up on my usual medium.
just because i wanted to.
the day before that.
treated myself to an afternoon of doing absolutelynothing.
sitting out in my backyard, laying on a blanket,sipping on lemon water.
mind you, i had a laundry list of things to getdone.

so, you see.
my little daily pleasures are so very simple.
but they are so terribly enjoyable.
and that makes me happy.
completely & blissfully happy.

the hopeful girl in me wants to believe that all ofyou
also treat yourself to the simplest of pleasuresthat life has to offer.
{i certainly cannot be the only over-indulger}
and i am making it my mission to ensure that youdo.
c’est si bon has a simple, yet ultra luxe,
giveaway to present to one lucky pve reader.
allow me to share with you one of my fave simplepleasures,
modern. romantic. luxury.
lollia. no 19.
one lucky reader will win

 hand cream. shower gel.& hand soap.
by the lovely lollia.
no 19. peony & white lilly.
this lollia hand cream is sublimely decadent.
scents of peony & white lilly will linger withyou all day long.
a simple pleasure that is sure to bring happinessto you.
almost too pretty to unwrap, but oh so lovely &soothing.
shea butter based hand soap to keep your handsmoisturized and clean.
that is definitely something to be happy about.
 the no 19 shower gel is the perfect way tostart your morning.
the bubbly lather will awaken your senses &bring sweetness to your day.

this is a giveaway that you do not want to miss.
to enter in this contest simply follow thefollowing steps.

“like” the c’est si bon facebook page.
leave a comment on the facebook page sharing oneway you
celebrate simple pleasures in your days.
or, if you do not have facebook,
leave a comment on c'est si bon just to sayhello.

the winner will be announced on friday, april 13th.
good luck to you all.

thank you for having me, sweet patricia.
it was such a treat.

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

almost done

The Ikea Expedit bookshelf was assembled by my plumber's son, and I have been busy filling the cubbyholes with books and note cards for the up and coming River Arts Studio Tour the end of April.  The above house is almost done. When I am working, very often I have to put things aside to see what the work needs to be completed.  This one is "almost done" and will soon be ready for gorgeous linen matting and will be ready to send.

Monday, April 09, 2012

monday motivation - "so help me"

Often times, I find myself saying or praying "so help me" and so often help or chance encounters come to my rescue.  I call it "divine intervention."

I have long admired one talented designer and blogger, Sherri Cassara Designs.   If you do not know Sherri, she is an obsessively detailed and uber talented hard working woman with a heart of gold.  She is passionate about life, love, family, faith, decor and design.  Well, Sherri came to my rescue.
I just knew that she could assist me in getting control over my thoughts for the design of my art studio.

All of my ideas felt scattered and she simply confirmed my ideas and gathered all the pieces together and composed these boards.  Thus far, I have everything in my studio, except for the chairs.

Well, everything except for the chairs and the rug.  The rug is an indoor outdoor rug.  Things are coming together with a little help from my friends.  Thank-you Sherri for your kindness and your help.
Book case, Ikea Expedit
Magnetic Dry Erase Board, Staples
Powell Lights from Klaff's Lighting
Storage, West Elm
File cabinets, CB2
Walker Table, Crate & Barrel
Go Cart, CB2
Easels, Amazon

Chairs are on my list and I am scouting for stools for the work table.  The dry erase board will be hang bove the desk for posting inspiration and commissions.

Thank-you Sherri for your help.  You are an angel!

Friday, April 06, 2012

happy easter / passover

Wishing each of you a happy easter and or passover.
May the joy of sharing a meal or dying eggs or enjoying time with friends and family bring you peace and hope for the renewal that Spring brings.

Thursday, April 05, 2012

design studio dream

 The table was delivered.  I love seeing it fill the space and inspecting it from every angle. Like a child I marvel and feel the wonder of my dream studio take shape.  Most artists crave northern light.  I crave Southern light and always find myself seeking the sun to radiate warmth and light.  My studio faces South.  Just look at that light.  It is heavenly.
Hard to see, but the table has a nice shine.....also hard to see is my dog in the bottom left corner trying to get in the action.  Bookshelf is here and ready to be assembled.  Art easels on order.  Chairs to come.

Have you ever had a dream and the wake up to find it was not a dream but a reality.
A client is coming today.....I can hardly wait.

images of pve design art studio