
Thursday, July 28, 2011

Illuminating company

I am off to Chicago for a weekend.
I will be there for business and pleasure.
I can hardly wait.
My daughter is joining me along with my sister Mary.
Be back next week.

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

plain english

I am living without a kitchen now. In Plain English, I am kitchen-less.
Take-out or delivery or make-shift meals are at our ready.
I could easily be at home in any of these kitchen designs.
Would you care to stoke the fire for me come winter? We don't need it now, since we have been having a heat wave in the Northeast.
This kitchen has such a cool look. Love the simplicity in using only a few materials.
In Plain English, I cannot wait until I have a kitchen.
a pantry which will be a wall cabinet filled with staples and healthy snacks.
Looking forward to our first meal in our new kitchen in a few weeks.
Patience is a virtue in any language.

Tuesday, July 26, 2011


If you have not begun pinning, now is the time. I cannot decide what I prefer most, pinning or blogging. Love to be bathing in this pretty bath. Do you pin, take a look at my boards here.
Maybe you will find something of pinterest.

Monday, July 25, 2011

monday motivation - power nap

Never underestimate the power of a nap. It seems we all try to cram as much fun into the weekend and then on monday when we are back at our desks, a little nap can do a world of good for one's motivation. So today, I give you permission to lay your head down and close your eyes. Even if it is just a wee nap, feel the power and the flush fill your face with vim and vigor. Then it is back to work or whatever you need to check off that list of to do's. Promise me you will try a power nap.

Sunday, July 24, 2011

sunday brunch

I love the light of summer and love sunday brunch. This is just such a sweet spot for a sunday brunch celebration at home for a gathering of angelic girls. Fresh juice, chopped veggie salads and deviled eggs on the menu!
Happy Sunday Brunch!

Sharing this list of party pantry items to have at the ready.

Friday, July 22, 2011

lovely loggia

a lovely loggia
loggia |ˈlōj(ē)ə; ˈlô-|nouna gallery or room with one or more open sides, that forms part of a house and has one side open to the garden.
an open-sided extension to a house

Hope each of you have a lovely friday and weekend.
Love to spend it on this Loggia with my family and friends.

Thursday, July 21, 2011

cool corner

After a few days of oppressive heat, we are all looking for a cool corner.

Loving this image. Lately, I am attracted to no color, to lots of wood, white and black and white images that have a certain handsome strength.

Stay cool in your own corner.

Tuesday, July 19, 2011


For the next few days, I will be joining my son at his orientation here.
I imagine there will be lots of walking and touring and many questions.
The one question I ask myself is "how did the years go so fast?"
Any parents advice for a Mother of twins about to leave for college?
The orientation is all apart of preparing us both for a new year ahead.
Be back next week.

rolling in dough

That's how they roll, in a 1943 K6 Red International Harvester truck.
"Rolling in dough" will come to your venue and literally roll the dough and make some tasty
pizza's with the freshest ingredients.
I rather love the idea of having a pizza party outside.
Yummy, fresh tomato's and basil.
What a great idea and fun site here.
A pizza party sounds more fun with "Rolling in Dough" - right!

Monday, July 18, 2011

lavender charm

The heady scent of lavender lured us over.
Planted in charming rows for all to admire.
We bought 3 plants for our garden.
You can visit Lavender by the bay here.

Friday, July 15, 2011

down time

Looking forward to a little down time. A weekend escape, just the husband and I. Heading out to the North Fork for a friend's birthday party and staying in a B&B. Waking up to sounds of silence, no construction banging and no one looking for breakfast, except for me and my dear. I wish I had this tunic to wear. I just found them over here. Hope you have some nice down time this weekend.

Thursday, July 14, 2011


Perfect Pukette penmanship deserves good marks.
I would love it hung in this room.
I have long admired the scripted paintings of Elliot Pukette.
As a child and to this day, people always remark about my penmanship.
I admire those that write or paint pretty lines.
I think there is something fresh about perfectly scripted lives.
Can you imagine Elliot doing anything else?
It seems she is exactly where she oughta be, in Brooklyn and painting.

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

dress up

Just love a reason to don a dress.
Kayce Hughes has a "dress up" challenge going on now.
I love this sort of challenge, a cool dress, a sweet sandal, sunglasses and a straw bag.
Are you up to the "dress up" challenge?
Take a look over here and tell me your favorite dress?

creating space

Would you like to create more space for HAPPINESS?
The secret is in giving room.
Sometimes all we have to do is make a little room.
Have you read this book?

Are you creating space in your life for happiness or are you suffocating it by hoarding or holding on to things that are taking up space?
Summer is a time for giving space and adding a little creativity.

Monday, July 11, 2011

medicine man and woman

For years my dear husband and I have been sharing one sink and one medicine cabinet.
I chose to have a his and hers sink and cabinet for our master bath.
I found them here.
I can't wait to have a his and hers sink!
Medicine man and woman.
Our vanity from here is a wall mounted floating one with under mount sinks and wall mounted faucets.
The bath is all white.
I even found a whimsical chandelier that looks like water drops.
I look forward to showing it to you in a few more weeks.

Sunday, July 10, 2011

happy birthday seleta

Wishing our dear friend Seleta a beautiful birthday today. We know how she loves to rock all white and ride life with a little more fun, more fashion and always includes her family and friends in the fun! Stop here a wish Seleta a happy day. I was looking all over for an image of a gal all in white on a horse, so this pretty lady in the blue waters will have to suffice. After all she does live near the beach.

Saturday, July 09, 2011

in the pink

Congrats to the "The Buzz" - randomly selected by my daughter from a slip of paper out of a hat! They chose "Pink Garden" (image above) from "Chez Jolly"
which suits these flower girls all the way!
Hope each of you have a beautiful weekend in the pink.

Friday, July 08, 2011

perk me up

Let's just say my friday was frisky!
My dog ran into my elbow when the plumber arrived. Ouch.
There is dust everywhere from the renovation along with boxes and an upside down home.
Feeling like I need an infusion of energy to stay the course so I have been
saving these images to give me a perk-me-up!
I am just crazy about the clear and cheerful colors of this art and no-calorie too.
Happy weekend dear people.
When things are frantic, what do you turn to for a perk-me-up?

are we there

Being one of seven, can you imagine family vacations and the many mouths spouting "Are we there yet?" I need a mug like this while I juggle this home renovation. Part of the journey is the fun of getting there.

How many times this summer have you been asked this question?

Thursday, July 07, 2011

a piece of toast

How would you like to wake up to a piece of toast like this smiley one?
I am looking for a vintage toast holder to restore order to my incoming snail mail and a sundry of items, bills etc.
Love this brassy one too for my hubby's desk.
Letters stored like this. Everything in it's place.
Keys on a hook sure make it easy to find.
This one for storing photos and miscellaneous pieces of life.
toasting each of you for a happy day!

images 2, 4, 5 found here "This is Glamorous"

Wednesday, July 06, 2011

cool colours

if you were a colour, what would you be?
love all these shades of lovely greens and cool watery blues found over here.
I am gathering pretty shades for my home.

Monaco love

Monaco is all about love these days.
Did you see Princess Charlene?
I adored her dress, designed by Armani.
Congratulations to Prince Albert and Princess Charlene of Monaco.
Did you follow the wedding?
Best wishes to them both for a happy marriage.
My sister-in-law attended and I cannot wait to hear all about it.